We Make Every Session
Exciting for Your Child.

Every child should be put into some type of developmental activity when they are young, whether it is dance, gymnastics, or martial arts etc. I feel as though Jiu Jitsu would quite possibly be the best sport you could start a child in though. It promotes confidence, discipline, respect, and many other developmental qualities.
Children are like sponges. When they are young and as they grow they absorb everything they see and listen to. It is important to surround them in a positive atmosphere so that they grow as an individual in a positive sense. Jiu jitsu allows them to do so. Not only does it teach them a form of self-defense, it also teaches many life lessons as well that a child can carry with them. Jiu Jitsu is one of the most practical martial arts you can put your child in. When you think about other martial arts, many involve striking. Do you really want your child throwing up their fists? Today especially we see a lot of bullying in schools. BJJ allows the child to work from the ground and gain control. We certainly do not want to encourage children to fight if they have the option to defend and find a way out of the situation.
As far as confidence goes, many children are shy or maybe not as social as others. Putting them in BJJ will allow that confidence to grow. Whether they are athletic or not, working with our children and receiving positive reinforcement will guarantee that their confidence will improve. Also, because of the practicality of the sport the confidence they gain will not be a false one. Many martial arts such as karate, incorporate flashy moves or board breaking. While these aspects may be fun, they are not going to carry over into real life scenarios, which In return could give your child a false sense of confidence.
Physical and mental benefits with BJJ
Improve mental clarity
Another huge benefit for kids in relation to BJJ is the physical benefits that come along with it. Today’s society is made up of video games and social media. Kids will spend hours on the couch or on their computers playing video games and being inactive. BJJ will teach your child how to live a healthy lifestyle which is so important to learn at a young age. We all know bad habits are hard to break once they’re established. Teaching them healthy habits at a young age will result in a manifestation of a positive life. They will burn calories, increase flexibility, improve balance and coordination and so much more. Jiu jitsu teaches self-defense but also teaches you how to take care of your body.
Jiu Jitsu will also give your child mental clarity and improve on their mental mind state. The physical part plays a big role, but the mental aspect is just as important. Your child will develo p a sense of discipline which results from the “never give up” attitude that Jiu Jitsu instills in people. Due to the complexity of the art, it can take a very long time to reach Black Belt. This is good however, because it develops character along the way. Your child will become mentally strong because of how challenging this sport can be at times and they will learn not to put limits on themselves and to work towards becoming the best they possibly can be.
Finally, FRIENDS! Jiu jitsu is amazing for kids (and adults) because they will develop bonds with their training partners. Eventually your training partners turn to family, and I can’t think of anything much more positive than that.