BJJ Beginners
Become your healthiest self
Helping to set, train and reach your inner goals
Beginner class – Coming into a martial arts academy can be intimidating for the beginning student. Our goal with the beginners/fundamentals class is to allow our students to learn jiu-jitsu by focusing on the controlled drilling of techniques without active sparring. The class also serves as a foundation for all students of BJJ, teaching the principles of the art and committing the core movements to muscle memory.
Each time you train is an opportunity to improve yourself
Train for Change
BJJ Beginner/Fundamentals classes are ideal for adult male and females that have just begun grappling.
These classes are catered in providing essential movement, submission and sweep techniques that have been utilized effectively in competition.
The 6-7pm class is also ideal for other students that may need to finish earlier in the evening for work and family commitments